Saturday, April 26, 2008

Not A Baby Anymore

Well, we have hit another milestone in Kylie's little life. Jeremy took down her crib today and he set up her new "big bed." We thought we would have to really talk up this new bed thing and act really excited about it so she would think it was neat, but really she couldn't careless. She was more than willing to help take the crib down and set up her new one. I think we have kind of been holding out on this one because we didn't have a reason to move her out of it, but I think she was ready for it. She has actually been spending a lot of nights sleeping in our guest room bed, so I guess it was time.
She has spent most of the day just camp out on it. I looked in there once and she was sprawled out with her hands behind her head looking perfectly relaxed. We could be in for a really treat though, when its actually time to STAY in her bed! Hopefully it goes well.


Lexie said...

awww thats a cute bed, wow kylie is growing up!

Kristi said...

She is so stiking cute!!! I hope she stays relaxed in her new "Big Bed"!!! Love the bedding sooo freeking cute

Jamie said...

I can't believe she's in a big girl bed already - I can't wait to FINALLY meet her next month in Moab.