Thursday, September 25, 2008

As Requested

I have had some requests to see what Kylie actually looks like after a day in her very own salon. (I think mostly my mom wanted to make sure her granddaughter was still alive after this) I have to admit the picture of her hair clumped in a pile is probably more dramatic then what she looks like. There is one troubling spot where the hair is only about a 1/2 an inch long and the bang area is a bit out of control, but it defiantly could have been worse and if this is the only time it happens I think we were lucky.

The whole top front section is pretty short and down her right side in front of her ear took the biggest hit. Jeremy came home last night and asked Kylie what she did to her hair and her response was "I don't know, dude"

This is the hair-do of choice we came up with to help hide most of her "bangs." We successfully went to Wal-mart and didn't get an funny looks so we may be able to pull this off.


sagewillow said...

I think she looks cute, you can barely tell.

Kristi said...

I love the new look! Turned out well!

Kristi said...

Hey I have some new Blogging Knowledged, if you would like me to share, I would love to!!

Brittney said...

That totally cracks me up. It could have been much worse, my fav is when the put the scissors flat on their head and cut eveything to the scalp right at their bangs. Looks like that actually used clippers is gets so short.
Maybe she will follow in her mommy's footsteps and be a stylist.

Michelle Morse said...

Hey, it's not that bad now. She doesn't seem to have much remorse does she:) Hopefully it doesn't happen again!

Valeri Crockett said...

Beautiful hide job. I'm sure I would have cried if my little girl took some scissors to her head. Maybe that is why I started out with a boy. (secretly I wish he would take some scissors to his head so I didn't have to cut it so often. . . boys hair just grows too fast).

Stephens said...
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Stephens said...

That is so funny! I cut off a whole pigtail when I was little. I was bound to be a hairdresser! I love it how Kylie closes her eyes when you take her picture! I miss you. Any boy names yet?????

The Estes Family said...

she looks really cute, I'm excited you're getting a boy they are fun!!