Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Kylie is so cute when she gets excited and wants to surprise someone with something. She usually runs up to a person with her hands in the air and yells in a loud voice "APRISE." At this moment I wish I was talking about a fun little surprise like this, but unfortunately that is not the case. Monday morning I woke up about 4:45 to a sensation that felt like a very humiliating bed wetting situation. As I jumped out of bed all I kept saying to myself how embarrassing! I feel so stupid! I just wet the bed! Well, after further investigation come to find out my water has probably broken 10 weeks early. I was totally shocked. I swear I would STILL be pregnant with Kylie if I hadn't been induced and now here I am with broken water WAY to early. We got ready and came to the hospital and they confirmed that is what happened and they immediately admitted me saying that I will have to stay until the baby is born, which could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. So much for avoiding having a baby around Christmas time.

I have been given steroid shots to help the baby's lungs. We had an ultrasound yesterday and everything looks really good. He has all his parts and his heart and brain look good, so it's just a matter of letting him continue to grow the best he can. I really haven't been panicked at all about it. I feel really good. I am confident that everything is going to be just fine. At this point I feel that the worst thing that could happen is he could be born on Christmas and we could possible even deal with that.

Kylie is doing really well. Thank goodness for great family that has dropped everything and done whatever we have needed as far as her care and keeping me entertained. I talked to Kylie on the phone this morning and she asked "Mom, you at the hospital? I am sick too." In a tone like she wanted to be here. I hope she won't be affected too much and she won't feel like her life has totally turned upside down.

I have just been reminded that life is very unpredictable. On the car ride home from our trip to Arizona on Sunday I made a long list of all the things I needed to get done before Christmas. (A Thanksgiving post was among them) So much for that I guess. Once again I am grateful for friends and family who have offered and are more than willing to help with everything I need. I am also so grateful for Jeremy and his patience and willingness to attend to my needs.

In the mean time will just sit or lay here and when I am really lucky get up to go to the restroom and hope for the best outcome possible.


Jamey said...

I heard about your situation yesterday. I am glad to hear that everything looks okay with the baby!

I am with you on the whole bed rest thing. The only difference is that I am able to stay on my own couch, rather than in the hospital. Keep your head up! There is an end in sight! I hope everything continues to go well with you, and your family. You will be in our prayers!

Kristi said...

OH JEEZ!!!! WOW I hope that everything goes well! You will be in our prays!!!

Jamie said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Laurel said...

We'll be praying for you and your little one. Take it easy if you can, and remember, watching Monsters, Inc. five times a day probably won't hurt Kylie...these things happen.

Nicole said...

I heard about this the other day! I really hope and pray that everything goes well. We will keep you and the little one in our prayers.

Brittney said...

Wow Ange, I'm totally shocked. A postive attitude goes a long way. I am sure that you and the baby will be ok. I wish I was closer so I could help.
Call me when you get bored, I'm home too for the next four weeks and I'm already bored. We can gossip til the cows come home.

Mills Family said...

Oh my gosh that is so crazy, well I am just glad that both of you are okay and that the baby is growing like he is supposed to be. Just stay positive and it will all work out. They just put me on semi bedrest because they think that I am not going to make it to 34 weeks so I am scared but just trying to stay positive and do whatever I can to hang in there, so hang in there okay. Keep us posted.

The Estes Family said...

Hang in there and if you need anything let us know we will be praying for you

Sylvia said...

You sound so level headed for what would be such a stressful time. I pray all goes well with your delivery and baby.

Reid and Brittney said...

My mom told me a couple of days ago. I am so glad to hear that everything is good with the baby, that is such a scary thing to have them so early. Your strength and positivity amazes me!!!!
Sorry that you are on bed rest..that has to be so hard and annoying, especially sitting at the hospital, but the great thing is that everything is done for you. Hang in there...and keep us updated. You'll be in our prayers. Can't wait to see you again and meet you new little guy.

Emma "The Hoochie" said...

hope everything goes well your in our thoughts and prayers
luv ya
Mark and Emma xxxxxxxx

Joanne said...

I have been praying for you too. Sounds like things are going well. Know we love you. and you do have a great family.. they will take care of you both. It will be fine! love ya

Anonymous said...

We are thinking about you!!! You are in our prayers. If you need anything - let me know. I would be happy to help out.

Jeremy and Molly Horn said...

I am glad things are still going good. Keep us posted.

The Butterfields said...

I am so relieved to hear that everything is going so well in a difficult situation. Keep up the positive attitude - You are amazing! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

leslie said...

ericka called me the other day and told me what had happened. i am so sorry that this is happening to you, but i'm glad you say everything is going well. please let me know what i can do to help. we'll come visit teach you in your nice, comfy bed:)

Roger and Tammy Family said...

I hope everything is going well, let us know how things are going. you are in your prayers!!!

The Bergy's said...

Andrea! Ahhh what a bummer! Things will work out!I had Madsen 4 days after Christmas and it's not to bad! When you get a second send me your email address linked to you blog account so I can put you on my list of friends. I hope all goes well! I'll be praying for you!! Kadie

Zach and Shanna said...

Oh wow!!! Good luck Andrea, you'll be in our prayers. Your attitude has to help the situation...you're amazing! And isn't modern medicine great though??

Wendi said...

Andrea~looks like all is going well as can be expected. He is precious!! You will definitely be in our prayers, and I can certainly relate to what you are going through. Please let me know what I can do to help. Even if it is just listening to all those thoughts running through your head.

Robyn said...

Wow! Well, I hope everything is still going well.