Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's Official...

I'm an aunt!! Well, I guess I have been an aunt since I married Jeremy because he has a bunch of nieces and nephews, but I am finally a biological aunt! It's weird to think that because my brothers and sisters have been aunts or uncles for three and a half it's finally my turn!  My brother's wife Erin had a beautiful baby boy on Saturday night after what I imagine was a really long day!  His name is Alexander K. Hansen. I wish I could have been there to see him , but I can't wait to meet him the next time I am in AZ.  Kylie is already worried that he is going to be Jase's friend and not hers. She said to me the other night, "Tell dad to stop telling Jase that Alex is his friend, I want him to be my friend!"  There is plenty of love to go around and we are really excited for them!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

How exciting! He is adorable. Please pass on my congratulations.