Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Boy and His Big-Wheel

Jase loves this bike!! It was given to him by my parents for his birthday last year. It was pretty big for him then, but I think he has grown into it quite nicely. He's just about tall enough to petal it, but hasn't quite got the concept so he uses his tip-toes and rides it like the Flintstones. It almost looks like he is walking while sitting on it. It's pretty entertaining to watch!  Last night I found him down the street on his bike "pedaling" his little legs has fast as he could singing "Follow the Prophet...don't go astray" at the top of his lungs.  I would have paid a million bucks to have had my video camera at the time. I can't believe how much he's growing up. He reminds me often that he's not a baby boy or a big boy, (because he won't go potty in the toilet)but he's just a "little boy." And I love that little boy more than anything!!


Jamie said...

I so wish you'd had your camera - I would have loved to have seen / heard that.

Mills Family said...

oh he is so cute! Where did they get that bike its way cute I need to get my boys something like that!

Alexis said...

Dang apparently he has grown up a lot since I last saw him! Now he is talking in complete sentences and singing!! He is so cute! It looks like he has a nice tan too. I can't wait to see you guys soon!!

luke and kourt said...

I love your little Jase! He is so cute and getting so big! What a funny kid, at least you know he is listening to you and and in primary cause he knows those songs!