Friday, March 7, 2008

Here's Life in the Making

Well, I guess our town home will be home sweet town home for a little longer then we planned. For some reason that hasn't been disclosed to us Heavenly Father needs us here for a while longer. We received the dreaded letter yesterday that you really pray never comes, telling us that the buyers of our home were breaking the contract and no long could buy our house. How frustrating!!!! Jeremy and I have ran through every emotion from disappointment to mad to just being physical sick about it. I keep asking myself why is this happening? I have full faith and confidence that the Lord is fully in control and he knows what's going on. I just wish we could know what was going on also.
We're now back to square one; putting the house in the paper, making sure its clean enough all the time, getting my decorations back out, putting the house back together (may I remind you we were a week and a half away from the whole deal), waiting and wondering.
To look on the bright side we have pretty flexible plans. My grandma was kind enough to let us stay in her condo while she is gone and we don't have a pressing job to get to. We are pretty ok just hanging out til next time.
As my mom reminded me yesterday there is an equally and opposite reaction to everything, so just as much good will come from just as much bad. We just need to press forward, chalk it up to experence and remember we have something pretty amazing waiting for us!!


Brittney said...

I am so sorry Andrea. I totally understand. Our rent to buy option is deciding he doesn't want to buy. We get to keep the money for the purchase of the option but I am still just sick. I am so afraid that we will never sell our house in Arizona. I get so scared and sick to my stomach, but I also know the Lord has always taken care of us. We just need to be faithful. I hope it all works out for you as well.

Reid and Brittney said...

I am so sorry. That is never a fun thing to go through. I'm sure it will sell again soon. your mom has such a good way of putting it. I love your mom and all the encouraging words she uses. Good luck!!! On the brighter side of things I'll still be here whenever you move. Love ya!!