Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tissue Please

This runny nose is almost gone! If its one thing I have a really hard time with its other little kids snot. I hate to wipe it, but much less I hate to look at it, so wiping is the only other alternative. Thank goodness its different with your own kid and it doesn't bother me to wipe Kylie's because she has had this stinkin runny nose for I swear, the last month and a half. Poor thing, at one point I had wiped it so much it was chapped and bleeding just under her noes. I was probably saying "Come here lets wipe your nose" at least 20 times a day. It got the point where she would run into me and point to her noes and say "Nose, nose" so I could wipe it for her. I guess really I shouldn't complain because we have been really lucky this year not to get sick. If this is the worst it gets I will take it. I'm just glad its warming up outside because I don't think her little nose can take anymore of this.


Just Add Flowers said...

Poor kid! Runny noses really stink. Does Kylie know how to blow? It doesn't seem to help much when you just get a wipe and thats it-its never ending!
Your new blog looks so cute! Where did you find the new template/background? I keep wondering how people get their blogs to look like a scrapbook page. I am not very original either, I am good at seeing someone elses idea and using it. Copy-Cat I guess.

Brittney said...

Totally agree, Boston was never sick when we lived in ARizona. But he has had one cold after another since Thankgiving. He hates to get his nose wiped.
Also, love the new colors and such. This blog looks just like you, the type even looks like your hand writing.
My blog is my scrapbook. Andy prints it off for me.