Thursday, June 19, 2008

Doing What We Do Best

All we did this week was play outside in the water. It has been the hottest so far and we may just melt before the summer is over. Thank goodness St. George knows it's hot and has plenty to do in the water.
On Wednesday our friends Shandie, Lincoln and Austin came to play. We met them at a fun splash park by the Tabernacle that also has a shallow river to play in. Kylie loved it. She woke up that morning and I told her we were going to go swimming. She immediately got her swimming suit and wanted it on and then she asked if the balloon could go swimming or if the bathroom door could go swimming. Too bad they can't enjoy the summer like we can!

They had fun water falls to play in

Kylie in her sunglasses

The river was her favorite part

I told Kylie this was a "swim-jacket"--I think she thought she was putting on a piece of heaven. Two of her most favorite things put together in one!
Kylie and Lincoln

When the day was over this is what she looked like. Good thing this isn't a sunburn. We went to a ward party that night and this is just how red a face can get after playing at the park at 7:00 at night.

On Friday we went down to Mesquite to play with Logan, Alayna and Kurt at the rec center. Their pool is awesome. It put our pool to major shame. (well any pool with clean water in it does that) There were fun slides and tubes that shot water. I think Kylie was little bit overwhelmed at first but she got into and really liked it. I forgot my camera and at first I was really disappointed, but I am realizing that my life is being ran by taking pictures. It was nice not to have to worry about it and we could just play. Hopefully there will be a next time and I will be sure to remember the camera then!


Kristi said...

Oh Fun!! Kylie is so stinking cute in those sun-glasses, that cracks me up!!

Steffani said...

That looks like so much fun! It's a good thing you have a way to keep cool in hot St. George!

Crystal said...

Hey Andrea it's Crystal from hair school. Your kids are so stinkin cute!!! I hope everything is going really great for you!!

Kristi said...

Love the new background, Im going to have a digital scrapbook party the weekend of the 24th on Saturday, the 26th if you would like to come up, there is going to be tuns of cool stuff!

Brittney said...

Hey, I'm in Utah for a couple of weeks. What are you doing?

Brittney said...

And tell your mom I know she stalks my blog so she better leave a feaking comment already.

Laurel said...

This is Andrew's wife...I found your blog through Nikki's. Your daughter is adorable. So um, we don't have a family blog yet, but you can see my recipes at howifeedmyfamily.blogspot.