Monday, June 16, 2008

Grand Entrance

If there is one thing I hate it's being late for church, I think it is so embarrassing to walk in and have everyone watch you as you try to find a seat. Well, yesterday we were late. As we were walking in the church doors we hear the Bishop say "We have some new members we would like to welcome, the Felix family" I thought 'oh no, this just made it 10 times worse.' So Jeremy hurries to the chapel doors, opens them and waves to everyone in the room. I just stood there I think with a smile on my face pretending this was funny or something. Now if someone would have possibly missed us they weren't going to now. The Bishop then said "Oh and there they are, everyone look back and see them" So every head in the whole chapel shifts back to look at us and everyone laugh. We have to come in and find our seats while our names are being read and they are welcoming us to the ward. I swear half the ward come up to us and said "Now we all know who you are." Maybe that's not too bad, but I would have rather get acquainted with people without full attention placed on us as we walk in late to ward conference.
By the way, Kylie did a really good job singing the Hymns as loud as she possibly could and of course to the best of my abilities. She also learned she shouldn't yell "The end" ofter the organ stops and the room is silent for the prayer!


Nicole said...

I totally hear you. Being late for church is the worst, therefore, even if we are early, our regular seats are in the back.

Brittney said...

ha ha ha, i was already laughing but I think yelling the end is the funniest thing I have ever heard.

Steffani said...

I hate, hate, hate being late for church too!!! When I was young we were ALWAYS late for church and my dad would always march us up to the very front row! It was so embarrassing. You have a cute and smart little girl.

Kristi said...

HAHAHAHAH That's tooo funny!! Well they know who you are now!

Letters-2-Lily said...

That is hilarious!! I hate it when you walk in late and you have loud shoes on and they clomp! Everyone always turns around and looks at you! I think its great that your baby says "the end!" Sounds pretty smart to me.

Jamie said...

My WORST Nightmare.

Millie Killpack said...

that is hilarious. you do know how to make an entrance. i'm glad you're making st. george your home. looks like a lot of fun