Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living For These Moments

I love the reminder that President Monson gave us to live in the moment. These are a few of the things that make living in the moment amazing.
The other night Kylie was sitting on the counter helping me make dinner except she was eating the ingredient faster that I could put them all together. Finally after she had them all over her lips she said "Mmmm, Telishious!"

Speaking of eating Kylie uses two methods that seem to work really well for her.

Eating like a dog... (this happens quite regularly)

or more impressively eating with chop-sticks. She's really good at using them. Of course they are tied together at the top, but she can eat her whole plate with them.
including Cheetos

Every time Kylie puts on a hat she calls it her "party hat." She was attached to this hat for a long time and walked around telling me she was wearing her "party hat." She gets it from the book "Go Dog Go."

A little while ago Jeremy was putting together a big cabinet for our food storage and Kylie wanted to play with a pile of screws he had. Jeremy said "Kylie don't play with those, I need them." Kylie looks at him and says "I'm don'ting , dad!" and walked away.

Kyle had been outside playing in the mud at our cabin in Arizona and when she came in I said "Kylie you are a mess" She said "I not a mess, I a girl" She reminds us of that constantly. Anytime we say something like "You are being noisy." she will say "I not noisy, I a girl." She doesn't quite understand she can be both, I guess. But sometimes we will ask her if she is a girl and she will say "No, I a princess." We can never get it right.

Kylie was helping me make cookies one day and she said "Mom, I cookening." Her favorite part is licking the beaters and waiting for the timer to beep.

I CAN NOT keep Kylie off the counter and out of the sink. She LOVES to be up there. Some days (actually most days) it drivings me crazy. Her favorite thing to do is, of course play in the water and wash some sort of body part. Today was her legs. A lot of the time it is her hands and most of the time she just likes the water to run.

Kylie learned that if she is asking for something and she said "pretty please with cherries on top" there was a good chance she could get what she is asking for. Finally we are starting to wise up and it doesn't work as well as it used too, but it's funny to hear her say it.

If we are in a store and we pass something she wants to stop and look at she will say " I have a question" and point to whatever she wants to look at. When we go back and look at whatever she wanted she will asks something extremely obvious like "Is that Santa?" Which of course she knows, just to buy her some time so she can look for a minute.

And last, but ceratinly not least .This is one of my most favorite picture of Kylie. Jeremy dressed her up and we told her to pose for a picture.

What would I do without my little princess? Life would not be as fun, that's for sure!


Reid and Brittney said...

She is so cute!! I really loved President Monsons talk as well and it has changed me a lot even since last weekend. It is sad to think that these moments are flying by so fast and if we don't make the best of them, they will pass. It is so fun to have kids and to see the things they say or do. My boys also love to help me make dinner they sit on the counter and "help".

Alexis said...

omg that is so cute!!!!! i love that picture with the baseball hat it's SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristin said...

What a fun post. I learned os much about Kylie. She is so stinkin cute. I expecailly love the last two pics and the fact that she can eat with chopsticks. (I can't even do that!) I loved that talk too. It made me look at the little things that I love in my life. and not complain so much about the things I don't

Jamie said...

Your posts on "Kylie-isms" always make me laugh.

Brittney said...

hahahahha, so after our convo last night, I had to look up a certain couple. The header picture is just as the engagment picture. I nearly choked I laughed so hard. I keep thinking the photographer should be like, ok you go stand waaaay back there, and you stand a little closer to me, ok that almost looks right, now smile!
Oh, that's so mean, can I still repent after I hit publish?

Mills Family said...

She is just so cute!

Zach and Shanna said...

Oh my goodness, those pictures are so stinkin' cute!!!!

Steffani said...

You are so good at journaling everything Kaylie does. I need to do better at that. It's like a baby book or a scrapbook!

Jamey said...

She sure knows how to pose! What a cutie!

Stephens said...

That was an awesome post. I loved it! Kylie is such a babe! I miss her!