Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What A Difference A Week Can Make

Jase is 10 days old and the poor little guy has been through more in those days than most people have in their lifetimes. These past few days have been so good!! He is doing absolutely amazing!  Each day I am more and more encouraged when I go to see him. The doctors and nurses are amazed by his progress and I think at this point it's just a matter of him being able to hold his own body temperature and eating on his own.  He currently weighs in at 3 lbs 3 oz. They have been a little concerned about is weight, but now that he has a little feeding tube in his nose they are able to feed him breast milk and hopefully that will help. We were sad to learn that the freezer that kept my very hard earned milk for the last 8 days broke and my bid was one of three that was ruined. All the colostrum that is the very best for him is gone. We just have to keep telling ourselves that Heavenly Father is in charge of his care and he will be just find without it. We are told he has quite a few nurses that would love to be his primary nurse, he already has women fighting over him!  

My mom and I went up to the hospital on Sunday night and found Jase on the billi lights. He had funny little glasses on to protect his eyes and the nurses also had put eye protection on his little bear that sits above his bed. 

This is a picture of the night he really opened his eyes for the first time. He still had the ventilator in his mouth along with his chest tube, the IV in his hand and the central line in his chest. 

On Monday I went in to see him and they told me his collapsed lung had totally repaired itself and his chest tube could be removed along with his ventilator. I was so excited to have that huge tube out of his mouth and the big machine taken away.

This is a picture of his "chic magnet" incision. They took the staples out yesterday and it actually looks really good. The nurses say that it will actually be a fairly small scar and hopefully just a thin little line.

Yesterday when I came in the nurse told me we could dress him. They had this preemie outfit for me to put on him. They also let me change his diapers, take his temperature, measure him and change some little sensor thing that goes on his foot. I am finally feeling like his mom! Everything about him is tiny except for his feet. This little guy is 16 1/2 inch and has 3 inch feet!!

As my mom and I were walking back to his room yesterday his nurse meet us in the hall and said "Today is your lucky day!" I got to hold him!!!! I was so excited. He is so tiny and I am pretty sure the blankets we wrapped him in weigh more than he does.  It was so fun to sit and watch him. He make little noises and every once in a while he would smile in his sleep. He acts like any other little baby would rather than being sick laying in his bed.  As I look at him I can't help, but be so grateful for this little boy. His little body is so tiny, but his spirit is huge and it can be felt so strongly.

I felt really bad because Jeremy couldn't be there. He was pretty bummed he missed a lot of the great things that have happened. He is anxious for the weekend and to hold him for the first time. I am grateful for every perfect little part of him and I am so blessed to be his mom!! 


Darren said...

I am so glad to hear that Jase is doing so well. The picture of him in his preemie clothes really shows just how tiny he really is!!! I am so happy for you and your family. Love you so much. Your in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love kez

Anonymous said...

He is such a cute little guy!!! I am so glad that things are starting to get better. That is so neat that you get to hold him. I bet that is amazing. I am so happy for you guys!!

Brittney said...

You are the best at making me cry. You are so strong and it inspires me every time I read about Jase. You are in our prayers always.

And I am not weird, just well-rounded. I can't believe there is anything you didn't know about me.

The Estes Family said...

I'm so glad to hear things have improved so much, he is so cute and tiny. I'm so glad your mom is there too! Kylie looks like she is having fun too, what a great family you have!

The Carter's said...

You are so strong! I can not believe all that has come your way and the fact that you are so strong and have gone through it with such a great attitude. Your little man is so cute and tiny! My prayers are with you and I hope the little guy gets to come home soon!

Mills Family said...

Oh he is darling, and so little. That is so great that you finally got to hold him. Well I am just glad that he is doing really well. Tell him to keep up the good work!

The Butterfields said...

It is so wonderful that things are progressing so well. He is darling!

Reid and Brittney said...

That is wonderful news. Yeah Jase...hang in there buddy and get strong. I am so happy he is doing so great. I hope he will gain that weight fast so he can come home. He is adorable and so tiny, I couldn't even imagine holding a baby that small. Glad to hear that you are doing great as well I worry about know!! You are amazing and very inspiring the way you are so positive and the way you are handling it all. You are in our prayers and thoughts daily. Can't wait to meet this little guy!!! Love ya!!!

Kristi said...

OH He is so cute! I cant believe how well things are going! That is great Im so glad!! Kylie is tooo cute! If you need someone to watch her we would love to she cracks me up!!

Stephens said...

I can sort of see Kylie in him in that top picture. He is so sweet. I can't wait to meet him. Let us know if you need anything! I'd love to help out in any way I can. Love ya! - Asher

Letters-2-Lily said...

I'm so glad he is doing so well! I knew he would, he looks like a little fighter! He's so cute! We will keep praying for you.

Wendi said...

Glad to hear that things are going well. He looks great for everything he's been through. Hope you are holding up well. I'd love to see you while you are up this way, but I know you are busy. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Laurel said...

Sorry about the milk, but so glad you got to hold him. He looks like a perfect, tiny little boy.

Samantha said...

Oh my gosh Andrea I have not been on here for awhile. I didn't even know what was going on with your baby! I am so sorry but I'm glad things are looking up. You are so strong and I'm glad you have had your families support! Good luck We will remember you in our prayers.

leslie said...

i'm so glad that jase is doing better. i wish you guys were home so that i could help out, (i know you wish you were home too). we have a picture of my twin sisters (born two months early, weighing 2 lbs) with a dollar bill by them as well. you'll be so glad that you have that picture to remind you of your little miracle.