Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Caroling...Preschool Style

Well folks, according to Kylie's count down ribbon it looks like we have three days til Christmas. I think we were able to do most of what a wanted to do so far this year to celebrate. The shopping is done. The wrapping just about complete. Now it's on to packing for our trip down south. It's been pretty cold here and I am excited to bask in the 70 degree weather and soak up some sun.

Kylie's preschool got together this afternoon and went caroling around the outlet mall. They just sat on a trailer and sang their hearts out. Kylie enjoyed herself when she wasn't in a daze. (I think she was tired and a slow trailer ride didn't help the situation) She did a great job singing and hasn't stopped since. Jase on the other hand didn't think it was fun at all to sit in the cold rain and watch. Poor kid! We are excited to spend time together as a family and enjoy the rest of this season.


Brittney said...

how long will you be here? I have to work every day but Christmas but I would love to see you.

Dyer Family said...

You guys did better at your countdown that we did...i may have snuck a few while the kids were sleeping!!! As for our christmas outfits, I believe they wore them the day Jase decided to empty his stomach on the pew in front of you!! We will sure miss you guys!