Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Were You Doing...

a year ago today? I remember distinctly I was HERE and I spent my week doing THIS. What a crazy time! I had never spent more than 24 hours in a hospital and the last time I had done that was when Kylie was born. I am the type of person that likes a plan. I like to know what's going on and what is going to go on. I am not great at just hanging out and pondering ALL the possibles. I just want to know!! Little did I know that this week was actually the least eventful one we would have for the next two months. I should have relaxed more while I was there!! I can't deny that I learned some amazing lessons and honestly if everything is going to turn out for the best in the end, which it did, why not have a little adventure once in awhile...not that I am asking for another one and I would never want another baby to go through what Jase went through. But we made it through and have been greatly blessed!!

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