Friday, December 11, 2009

Merry & Bright

Since I was a little kid one of my most favorite things to do at Christmas time is drive around and see all the lights on houses. I love neighborhoods where everyone decorates and I have even heard your house is much safer when you put Christmas lights up.  You can imagine my excitment when Jeremy was told about this BEAUTY...

It is unreal! Who knew the Griswalds moved to St. George?

I whis the picutres really captured what it is like, but here are a few close-ups to give you an idea.

My most favorite part are the lights that go up and down the roof. Anybody who does that  automaticly qualify for an amazing house.

It even continues to the side and back of the house.  This house really makes me happy! We have also seen a house with lights that cordinate with music and

this is on the hill next to our neighborhood.  Kylie loves it when we pass it! It's such a fun time of year and I love sharing it with my kids!


Jamie said...

How beautiful - but I'm glad I don't have to pay their power bill.

Karlie said...

Fun, we did that as kids too. And now with my kids we like to look for the best houses. I have not seen anything like the one you took pictures of though. Holy! Wow.

Joanne said...

Wow! did I say Wow! I would love to see that. Home Depot sells an amazing music box. can plug in several sets of lights and it will play music and blinks to the music. Music really sounds good too.

Nicole said...

Wow! Maggie would love that too.

Rogers Family said...

Crazy girl!! At first I thought this was your house and then I decided to actually read your post, LOL.

JaKe and NaT* said...

oh my gosh i just might have to take a lil drive to st george to find it.. the roof is my favorite part! i wander how long it took them to do that??