Friday, April 9, 2010

Jase's Hang Out Spot

Jase is in motion ALL. DAY. LONG. That kid never stops. He is always into something, climbing on something, eating something or pulling something out. He's loaded with energy. It's rare he's content just hang out unless he is sitting in his stroller outside watching kids play or hang out at this big window watching what's going on in the neighborhood.  The day I took this picture there was a big noisy dump truck and some workers outside that caught and kept his attention for what I consider a really long time (maybe 5 minutes). Anytime they would dump a loud load of concrete into the truck he would get excited and chuckle to himself  then continue to watch intently. My poor windows suffer greatly, but I figure it's worth the sacrifice! He's a funny little guy and just I wish I could predict what kind of ruckus he was planning next!


Nicole said...

Oh my goodness - I know exactly what you mean. Trace never stops! The only time he is still is when he is sleeping or eating (and luckily he loves to eat, so if I put him in his high chair with a couple snacks I'm good for a few minutes.) Don't you just love little boys?!?

Alexis said...

what a funny kid!!!!!!!!!

Jamie said...

Your kids are just full of personality.

Rogers Family said...

I miss that stage. my boys are so big now.

Reid and Brittney said...

That is too cute... yeah Owen is all over the place now and all my windows have hand prints on them as well. I love how curious these little guys fun but you definitely have to watch their every move it seems like. In 2 seconds flat they are into something new. Gotta love it though, I know I will totally miss this.