Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Best

 We have either been out of town or up in Cedar (where it's cold, and I didn't want Jase wearing his shorts) ands so today was the first time the kids had a chance to wear their Easter outfits and I think they look pretty dang adorable. All growing up we had a little tradition, I guess you would call it, where my dad always picked out mine and my sister's Easter dresses. Jeremy decided he liked that idea and wanted to pick out Kylie's. I think he did awesome and she loves the dress too. Jase is my handsome little boy that only has 6 more weeks until nursery, HALLEULIA!! By the way, don't let his standing fool ya, he's still can't walk. Actually I am convinced he CAN, he just WON'T!

Also, speaking of church I just want to say how thankful I am for Kylie's Sunbeam teachers. They are awesome! Kylie loves primary and her teachers put in an insane amount of effort into each lesson. A couple weeks ago they learned about animals and she came home with a really neat picture she was so excited about. They have also made a special effort to bring her valentine treats and an Easter gift. She feels so loved by them and I am grateful for the love of the gospel and learning they are helping to instill in her that I pray will continue throughout her life.


Jackie said...

They really are adorable!! Also, when my daughter was about 13 months and still not walking I was pretty sure she could do it and just wouldn't. Then one day she just walked across the room, no problem. I swear she practiced while I wasn't watching or something! Maybe Jase is doing the same thing! :)

Mills Family said...

Your kids are darling, hey well at least jase will stand on his own. Ayden wont even do that and he is 14months now he will walk a few steps from dad to me but nothing else and he refuses to stand on his own he will only stand if we hold his hand or he is holding on to something so I totally understand, and yes I know he can do it he just wont. Caleb is another story he is to top heavy for his little legs to hold him up or let him walk oh well maybe one day.

Alisha said...

I have to agree Andrea! I have been so impressed with Kylie (and Kaitlyn's) primary teachers!! Each week Kaitlyn comes home telling me all about what she learned with the cutest handouts. They are truly fantastic and I can see how much they love the kids.......

Jamie said...

They look adorable!