Sunday, April 18, 2010

Turning 20-10 in 2010

It's true, I'm married to a 30 year old! Holy cow! How did this happen? I think Jeremy is slightly in denial... atleats he denies any gray hair!
I thought for a long time it would be fun to have a big surprise party for him to celebrate, but as it got closer and closer I became way too much of a chicken and didn't dare do it.  I was afraid I couldn't pull it off and it would end up super lame, so instead we just had a very low-key weekend. Jeremy and I went out  to dinner and a movie on Friday night then tonight we made smoothies and had cake and ice cream with the Dyers.

Jeremy's not a huge cake person, but we made one because Kylie LOVES to help and I wanted to put 30 candles on it. 
Notice all the smoke? We were nervous the fire alarm may go off. Good thing we  had a window open!

I guess Jase got over his aversion to cake and dug right in. He was a mess when he was finished, but he loved every minute of it. Every once in awhile I would hear him just chuckle to himself as he ate!
We all know Kylie loves a good birthday party and today was no exception. She loved the celebrating and can hardly stand that her birthday is next!

Happy Birthday to Jeremy! I am grateful he was born 30 years ago and it really doesn't matter how old he is, it's just a reminder that's it's my turn in a few years!


Mills Family said...

I totally know what you mean about being nervous to plan a surprise party. I ended up throwing a big one for pat's 50th and it was so never racking but it ended up turning out great so I was glad I did it so maybe in ten years for Jeremy's 40th you can throw him one and I am sure it will turn out great.

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! 30's not too bad.

Jamie said...

Pass my best wishes on to Jeremy - and tell him that, at least for me, the 30s are SO much BETTER than the 20s.