Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kylie's Special Day

Today at preschool Kylie was the Special Student for the day and it was a total surprise to her. I filled out a little paper about her and as the teacher read about her the kids were suppose to guess who it was. Kylie was so excited when it was her. I also snuck in some brownies for her to share with the class. Being special also meant you get to be the princess for the day (boys in her class get to be pirates) which is perfect because when I asked Kylie what she wanted to be when she grew up she immediately said a princess. 

When I went to pick her up from school today she was just beaming. She also finished her worksheet very first today and did an awesome job and was awarded an extra treat for doing so. I also had a good long chat with her teacher and she said Kylie is doing amazing. She has improved immensely from a couple months ago and excelles in most areas. She is more focused and becoming way more confident in herself and in her work. Her teacher beats money she'll be reading by this time next year. She's a good little worker and I am grateful for her attitude and willingness to try even when it's hard.  Kylie is one SPECIAL little girl! I think we'll keep her!


Alexis said...

awww that awesome!!!! she is going to be one smart princess!!!!! :)

Drew Hansen said...

I think it was that week she spent with Grandpa that made all the difference. It's amazing what a nightly "special talk" will do to build confidence! Kylie is one special little girl!!

Jackie said...

absolutely adorable!! Kylie really does seem like a super special girl!

Jamie said...

Kylie stories always make me smile!

Rogers Family said...

i think it's so cute how they get excited over little things like that. she is so adorable!

Joanne said...

Kylie's special day was special indeed, just like her!

Nicole said...

She is so cute! I'll bet she is a straight A student all the way though school!