Monday, September 26, 2011

Favorite Past Time

It's no secret I love pictures and one of my most favorite things to do is look back through them on my computer. I could spend hours look at them. I am always so amazed at how much the kids change in a short amount of time and I love the memories that come to mind as I look through them. Often times I get the kids sitting next to me laughing at the pictures with me or we reminisce about what was going on in a particular. I hope they always look back on their childhood as being a good one and appreciate the memories that are made through pictures. 

I have a few very favorite pictures that of course have been posted before, but I thought it would be fun (maybe only to me) to post a few throughout the week.

I love this picture. It was taken almost exactly two years ago. We had just been in our new house a few month and  had just painted it. Jase of course has grown up a ton since then and Kylie has now lost her "baby face." Jeremy looks the same although he would probably tell you he has a few more gray hairs now. The one thing for sure that has never changes is how much I LOVE these guys!!

1 comment:

luke and kourt said...

I love pictures too! Even the everyday photos that don't mean much to other people mean so much to me. I love that photos capture the moment of "right then and there". This is such a cute photo and yes your cuties have grown up a lot in just a few short years ♥