Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My sister Amanda is by far one of the funnest people I know. She livens up a room the second she walks in. Her sarcasm and witty personality kills me and I love hanging out with her!
This picture absolutely cracks me up! I literally laugh out loud every time I look at it. The expression on her face as she's gazing into the distance, riding a tiny purple motor bike thing with Kylie in her pajamas sorta/kinda reminds me of Jim Carrey on Dumb and Dumber. I feel like she is completely being her super sarcastic self as she is trying to enjoy this little ride. I mean really, who gets that excited about going 3 miles an hour, except for a little two year old Kylie that is loving every second of the joy ride?

Note to Amanda: Please DO NOT get made or offended. 


Ashley Bean said...

HAHA I love this picture too!! Remember when we made it her facebook profile picture? Amanda is the best!

Nicole said...

Amanda looks just like Penny in that pic!

Amanda Hansen said...

there is nothing, nothing more freeing than 3 miles per hour.

Mills Family said...

This pic is hilarious and so cute!