Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Have a Goal...

and that is to have this crazy man potty-trained by the time he goes into Sunbeams...

but at the rate we're going, he'll go into scouts in a diaper! 

This is going to be a lot harder than it was with Kylie. In his defense though, we haven't bought any "big boy underwear" yet and we insist he uses Kylie's pink potty-training toilet. We haven't got extremely serious about it, but anytime the words "Jase, lets go potty on the toilet" are even mentioned he promptly throws himself on the floor and acts as if his life is about to end.

...and thats probably why "big boy underwear" hasn't been purchased yet!


Ashley Bean said...

Good Luck!!

luke and kourt said...

Ha ha, I'm sure once you get going he'll pick it up quickly, he's a smart little guy and once he gets some of those big boy undies, he'll be on his way :)

My Dad has a motorcycle too and all of the grandkiddies love him that much more cause of all the fun rides he takes them on! Cute pics, looks like they had an awesome time!

Jamie said...

Good luck - I do not envy you that task.

I'm headed your way this weekend for a week. We should get together.

Mills Family said...

Oh I so feel ya on that one. So Caleb was easy 3 days and he was potty trained. Ayden is another story he is going to be 5. He has no desire what so ever and he even watches caleb go and still could careless he just comes into the bathroom with us and says good job caeb(thats what he calls him)give me high five! and then he will say nice peeing caeb, but when we try to get him to sit on the potty he freaks out and screams and takes off running!
K if you figure out any tips let me know cuz I am going to need them with this next one LOL!

rebecca said...

haha. what a cutie though!!