Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture Day

Yesterday was picture day at Kylie's school. I plan on getting our family's pictures taken in the next little while so I only bought her class picture, but she looked so cute and since I am a professional photographer and editor and have an awesome camera I though I would snap a few myself... and of course she was more than willing to be my model.

Kindergarten seems to really be agreeing with her! She loves her teacher and the things she's learning. She comes home most days talking about a new friend shes made. She has already informed me of a few boys who have crushes on her and chase her around the playground at recess. (But that's a secret) She has started up her dance class again and really loves it. She's great at memorizing things and has picked up easily the names of the dance moves she is learning. Ballet is her favorite and she often gets the reward for dancer of the day. 

She continues to make us laugh everyday with the things she says.  The other day I was doing her hair and she told me she was "not a fan" of braids anymore.   Also her new favorite word is "realize"  and she uses it as often as possible.  She loves to tell stories and could go on and on and on about something described in great detail. 

There's not too much to complain about when it comes to this girl. Life seems to be going well for her, if only school wasn't so darn early in the morning things just might be perfect!

1 comment:

luke and kourt said...

I think you take great pics and Kylie looks as cute as ever!