Sunday, November 27, 2011


I got a bit distracted this last week being surrounded by so many family and busy with all the activities we had going on to take a few minutes and post each day. But that doesn't mean I forgot about all the things I am grateful for and being with family is always a reminder of millions of all those things. Here are a few things I thought about this week

*First and formost (and the most obvious) I am so grateful for my family!! I love coming home to visit them. We are always welcomed with open arms and a nice bed to stay in. I am grateful for their generosity and love for us. My parents are amazing examples of charity and selflessness. Watching them always makes me want to be a better person. I remember when I was young, I was convinced that when you became an adult you became perfect, and I think I learned that from watching my parents. I just knew they never made a mistake and always chose the right. 

*I am thankful for memories and the opportunity we have to not only make them, but sit around and reminisce about them.

*I am thankful for extended family. We had the rare opportunity to have every member of my dad's immediate family together this Thanksgiving. We're a pretty tight knit family and it was fun to see them all. Everyone's family's have grown and changed and with all the kids running around Kylie and Jase were in complete heaven. 

*I am thankful for my heritage and the generations and generations of church members I come from. I have a long line of amazing examples to follow and I couldn't be more blessed by that. Many family members came across the plains and sacrificed so much in our behalf. 

*I am also grateful for family videos. That may seem odd, but I LOVE them. I am so grateful my parents took the time and made the effort to get out the video camera and record our lives. I think it is so important and so fun to watch. They provide hours and hours of entertainment and remind us of the wonderful childhood we all had. I hope my children enjoy the appreciate their videos as much as I do. 

It was a great week of wonderful reminders of the many blessings we enjoy. I am so grateful for weeks like these and the love and memories that come with them. We truly are blessed! There is no doubt about that!


Jamie said...

I'm so glad you had a great Thanksgiving! We were with Bill and Pat's families and it really was a reminder of how amazing our family is.

Heather said...

Ditto everything you said!