Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The House Next Door

Today I am thankful that there is finally a house being built on the lot next to us.  I've been waiting for this to happen ever since we moved in. A guy came in a bought four houses in our neighborhood and is either going to rent them or turn around and sell them. We're of course hoping and nice family with little kids move in.

For the last couple days Kylie and I have spent way too much time sitting on her bed watching the workers. I couldn't get over how they mindlessly walked all along the boards without worrying for a second whether they would fall off. They work fast and I can't wait for it to be done. 

1 comment:

Michael and Bonnie said...

Ha Ha....I have been watching way too much too :) Do you like that they start at 6 a.m.? I guess in a few weeks it will all be over and we can hope for some new neighbors :)