Monday, February 13, 2012

Around the House

 Nothing exciting here, although as I look at this picture I notice that black, white and grey take up half of my closet. I wonder what that says about me.
 About a month ago my parents came up to visit on their way to Salt Lake for the weekend and they graciously accepted the task of helping me paint Kylie and Jase's rooms, which I appreciate SO much!! I have been putting off taking pictures and writing about it because I haven't done much to decorate past the painting. Poor Jase's room looks so blah, but I love his blue wall. It's definitely an improvement over the bright pink although I loved it for Kylie. Jase also loves the blue. I think he mentions it every time we walk in the room. Really, if he had his way he would have chosen green, but I think he is just glad for the change.  Hopefully soon I can spruce it up a bit.
 I absolutely love the color of Kylie's room. I toyed back and forth whether or not I should paint her whole room this color. I was sure if it would be too overpowering. We decided to just paint half of it, but I think now I wouldn't mind doing the other two walls.  Her room also lacks some serious decorating! We've just put up the decor from her room before which I love the pink with the greenish walls, but of course it definitely needs more. I have mentioned before how much I love home decor, but I just wish I had a better knack for it. Hopefully I can come up with a plan and finish these rooms off and then move on to the nursery. 


Jamie said...

I love the colors you picked!

luke and kourt said...

I love their cute rooms! Great job, you need to come help me paint my house :)