Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is This a Bad Idea?

Kylie was eating an apple and I thought Jase might like a taste so I bit off the peel and let him suck on it. He LOVED it. He sucked on it for a quite awhile before he realized it wasn't feeling him up and he got frustrated. As I was letting him do it I was wondering if it was a bad idea. I couldn't really think of why it would be so I just let him enjoy it.


Mills Family said...

I don't see the harm in it if he likes it why not!

Alexis said...

Haha! he is such cutie! oh and uh i was the one that taught her how to say cheers! hehe!

The Estes Family said...

I always let my kids eat table food way early so I don't think its bad. I hope kylie's knees get better soon too!!

Brittney said...

I let scarlett taste anything I'm eating. It hasn't hurt her yet

leslie said...

it's fine by me...it' sounds like you guys have had a busy week! i wish we could have joined in all of the fun. orem has been fun, but we're ready to get back home!

Letters-2-Lily said...

I have to say that I really enjoy the left side of your blog with all the things that Kylie says, it cracks me up all the time!! She is such a doll!! Looks like you guys had fun this week, and I think as long as you dont give your baby spicy things its ok, my mom use to give Mav Dr. Pepper when she was a baby and she's fine!!