Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Like Grandpa Like Granddaughter

Kylie has officially earned her first set of scraped up knees. This has been pretty traumatic for her today. It happened yesterday when she was running outside. She didn't want anything to do with a Band aid and as soon as I cleaned her up she was ready to go again. But for some reason today she thinks they are so much worse. She has been walking around hunched over insisting I do most everything for her. When she came into my room this morning and said, "Mom they didn't come off." and then again in the bath she said, "Mom, they aren't coming off." She doesn't quite get that her skin is scraped. I think she thinks that the scrapes were going to wipe off.

She come walking downstairs using this as a crutch and said, "I have two broken legs like my grandpa" I think she secretly feel honored to have a "broken leg" like grandpa because she has brought it up several times and wants me to acknowledge it quite often. Poor girl! Get well soon, Kylie!

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