Saturday, September 24, 2011


Over the last few months I have started this new thing, you may have heard of it... 
It's called exercise.
And my exercise of choice is early morning running. As we have tried for baby number three once again we have run into infertility issues. This time around I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease and with a recent heart-breaking miscarriage I am more motivated than ever to do all I can to have a healthy pregnancy. I have changed up my diet quite a bit and taken on this crazy thing called running, and much to my surprise I love it. I never ever thought words like that would ever come out of my mouth, but the feeling I get when I have finished a good long run is amazing. And having the faith that only good things will come of my hard work makes it so worth it too. I have been surprised at how easy it has been to build up my endurance. Every time I go, my goal is go a little bit farther. I'm not extremely fast, but I was told that endurance is the way to burn more calories and quite frankly, if I'm getting out of bed at 6:30 every morning and strapping on my running shoes, I better be burning a calorie or two! 

Kylie is still asleep when I leave and usually isn't up when I get home, but she has picked up on my pursuit of trying to be one of the cool athletic kids and begs me every night to wake her up so she can go with me. She is always disappointed when I tell her I go way too early and way too far for little girls, but I promised her that today we could go on a little run. She jumped right out of bed when I went in to get her this morning and threw on the clothes she had set out the night before to wear. The poor girl has terrible shoes for it, but she was SO fun to run with! First we ran around the block then she wanted to run around the church and then around the block again. We ended with a little stretching and I told her every run has to end with a healthy breakfast so she choose Cheerios instead chocolate cereal. She has already told me her plan for next week's run which includes the park and the dirt path behind it. If I didn't already have enough motivation this girl would definitely do it for me!


Ashley Bean said...

You're my hero!!! I love you tons!!

Rogers Family said...

Your motivation inspires me. I rescently had a miscarriage as well. And it was my second one in a row. It is so heart breaking. Sometimes I get bitter and don't even want to try. My sister Becca and I started taking classes at the gym together and are trying to eat better. Thanks for sharing this post. It helps to know that other people have had this happen to them and to see how they get through it and what works for them.

Reid and Brittney said...

I wish I shared the same feelings about running, I really hate running but I am wanting to try it. You give me hope that maybe I can start enjoying it :) I am so sorry to hear about the miscarriage and infertility problems, you'll be in my prayers. Love ya and miss ya

luke and kourt said...

Your friendship and strength has definitely been a support to me over this last little while. I just know that through your hard work and doing what you can Heavenly Father will bless you. Thank you for your inspiration and maybe our walks should turn into a run...eventually :)

Alisha Bowling said...

Andrea, I had no idea about the miscarriage! I'm so sorry. I know how difficult that is to go through, and I have been there with infertility as well. I'm amazed at your upbeat attitude despite the difficult times! <3

Kezlynn said...

Hey Andrea

I LOVE running too, which I never thought I would say either!! Somehow things are always better after a good long run. Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Ive been there too. Thanks for sharing your experience:) Love ya

Michael and Bonnie said...

What is it with you and Trisha not telling me anything? I want so badly to be there for people...and I feel awful that I don't know anything. Let me know if you need anything. I'm serious!!!!

Kylie is amazing to be that excited about running, hopefully she continues to be that excited about exercise :)

Jamie said...

I wish some of your joy of running would rub off on me