Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankfulness

I'm a day late, but I thought maybe it would be a good thing for me to post each day during the month of November something I am thankful for. I have spent a lot of time the last little while really trying to concentrate on all the wonderful things I have in my life. I find that I can be single-minded and put all my energy in something I really want and forget to appreciate all the things I DO have. November seems appropriate for this type of thing so here it goes...

I've got two up my sleeve to make up for yesterday. The first is a given and by far the thing that I am most thankful for and that is my little family. I love my husband and children more than anyone in this world. They make me happier than anyone else.  I am thankful for their patience and unconditional love. They make life worth living and I so grateful for them.

Last night Jeremy and I were talking at dinner about how grateful we are for his job. It's not a dream job by any mean and a lot of days he comes home pretty wiped out, but after some recent developments and changes in his company we are just so grateful they value him and his work ethic enough to let him continue working down here in St. George. In an uncertain economy we have always been blessed with a job and there is no way we couldn't be grateful for that!! 


Alisha Bowling said...

Love this idea! Nothing like gratitude to get a person in the mood for my favorite holiday of the year.....Thanksgiving!

All your Halloween pics are darling, I love Kylie's expression on the pumpkin guts picture! :)

luke and kourt said...

Andrea this pic is priceless! It goes so well with your thankful post and it seriously makes my heart melt. Beautifully done.