Monday, April 27, 2009

My Buddy & Me

Kylie LOVES her brother. It has taken her some time, but she has really come around and most of the time can't get enough of him. She really likes talking to him in her "baby voice," give him his binky, feed him, hold him, throw his diapers away and much to my dismay picking him up and attempt to bring him to me. She also loves to lay down next to him and cuddle him. Every time she does it she says, "Mom, take our picture."

This picture was taken on Kylie's bed. I set him down for a minute and left the room. Kylie comes running out a few minutes later saying, "Mom, Mom, Jase was just talking to me. I showed him how to talk." I asked what he said and she said, "He said, (she starts talking in her baby voice) Mommy, Mommy, I really want to go to the park and play with my friends and ride my bik." Then after she says, "He's such a good Buddy" That's her nickname for him.

I hope they grow up and are always really great friends!


Rogers Family said...

Too sweet. It's so cute when they start interacting with eachother. I think the picture of Jase smiling is the best. Kylee is something else. The stories you tell about her are so funny.

Nicole said...

They are so cute! I hope Maggie learns to like her brother a little better. Right now all she wants to do is steal his binky.

The Ewell Family said...

It is so fun when they can start to be friends! They are cute together. Kylie will be a great big sister! We need to come down and play in the sun.

Letters-2-Lily said...

So adorable I love the pics!! I'm sure they will go in stages where they like each other and then not. That"s how me and my sister's always were!

Mills Family said...

Oh how cute those pics are, that is great that she is loving him and i hope they stay close also, my brother and I were friends one day and then not friends the next it was kind of like that until we were about 18 and 20 and then we became best friends and have been ever since. Anyways your kids are so cute.

Ann said...

Wow, I had a lot to catch up on. You little buddy looks like he is growing up too fast! He is so adorable! Kylie is just as precious as ever. You have a really cute family. The river you played in looks a lot like the one near my siters who lives down there. I know this may be a long shot (but just in case) maybe shes in your ward, Kim Cunningham. Just thought I'd try. haha.