Friday, February 26, 2010

26 Days Down 2 More To Go

I am slightly relieved I only have two more days to go until I am done with my month of blogging. Some days were easy, some days were hard and some days were lame. Oh well, I will have accomplished my goal and over all it have been fun to do. It definitely made me open my eyes and recognize the little everyday things that go on. I was always on the look out for something I could write about and I learned to appreciate more what really makes up our lives.

Kylie is the featured photographer tonight. She tries to take pictures any chance I give her. Most of the time it's of her feet or the ceiling. This time she was able to capture something in between.  Jase and herself were the focus.

She did actually manage to capture a few really cute ones of the boy.

Also I totally forgot to tell everyone that my friend Marissa was having a BOY. Remember I told how I bought an outfit for her and her husband to open when he got back in town? We are really excited for them! You can read what she wrote about it here.


Alexis said...

Aww! i am going to be sad when this is over!! I always look forward to it everyday!!!!! :(

Jamie said...

I vote you keep going!

You inspire me to blog more often - and I've really enjoyed it.