Friday, February 5, 2010

What's Yours Is Mine

The kids had a good time with their cousins tonight. Jeremy's brother Jon and his wife Amy brought their kids over while they went to dinner.  As I have mentioned before Jase has a cousin that is a week younger then him but about a whole head bigger. (Well, maybe not quite, but close.) They haven't had a chance to play much together lately so I was curious to see how they would interact with each other. They did really well except when it came to the coveted binky. Who knows how much spit and drool and whatever else was shared. Germs are all the same when your family, right?

1 comment:

The Estes Family said...

Thats so funny, Kaden has never liked his binky until Aspen had one so I had to find his so he would leave hers alone:)