Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Goes Up...

doesn't always come down!
Jase has mastered the stairs. Well, going up anyway. He hasn't figured out how to come down nor has he even attempted, which I am grateful for. He just hang out at the top squawking and  squealing until someone comes to get him.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Sunday was the one year anniversary of when we finally brought Jase home from the hospital. In a lot of ways that feels like forever ago, but at the same time I can't believe it's really been that long. I sure do love my healthy little boy that may not walk until he's two!

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Hey thats okay if he doesn't walk until he is 2 cuz my boys are right there with him, they actually just barely started crawling like 2 weeks ago and they are going to be 1 in 2 weeks they are slow bloomers but I think I am okay with it cuz that just means they are going to be my little babies for alittle while longer hehehe. Pat told me that he actually didn't start walking until he was 18 months old so my boys probably wont walk until then at least cuz they aren't even close to walking.