Sunday, February 14, 2010

For the Love of the Cabin

Today was relaxing. We spent the say just hanging out together. Everyone attended church in the morning except for Jase and I and baby Alex and Erin. Jase's little cough blew up into a full blown croupy cough and a fever. He was not feeling well at all and he sounded terrible. I feel so bad every time he coughs. I know it has to hurt and his breathing seemed so shallow.
If you know Jase you know he is not a cuddlier, so when he is willing to just lay down on you and fall asleep you know he isn't feeling well.

Kylie absolutely loved baby Alex. She constantly asked to hold him. She thinks he was so special and is very willing to accept the roll and his favorite girl cousin, so far.
We went for a little walk around the neighborhood later in the day and found these little wagons. Kylie thought they would be fun to play on and thinks Grandma should get some for their backyard.
We love to visit the cabin. It had provided many fun memories for us and a great place for our family to spend time together. Kylie loved the bunk-bed and thought they would be so fun to sleep on until it was dark in the room and she claimed she could see scary shadows, then she didn't like it anymore. We also love Maize the moose that hangs above the fireplace. My uncle made out of paper mache and it's really cool. When Jase looked up and saw it for the first time he got the biggest grin on his face. He loves to look up at it.

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