Thursday, February 11, 2010

Suggestions Anyone??

I pass by this lovely piece of furniture every single day of my life. It was given to Kylie by my family for her 2nd birthday and she absolutely loves it. She plays with it every single day.  But look at the poor thing. It needs some serious help. I mean, stenciled bunnies, come on people. Not to mention my sister wrote on it in permanent marker "Amanda's kichen DUH" Needless to say it's in need of a serious makeover! My problem is I am not one of those people that can "see the vision." I can't look at something and immediately know what to do with it, that is why it has sat like this for a year and a half now. So, my question is what should I do with it? What color should I paint it? I need something that can handle the wear and tear (and sometimes grimy hands) of a three year playing kitchen and a 14 month old slamming it's doors continually. So, lets have it. What would you do?


Jamie said...

My vote - chalkboard paint (it comes in several colors) so she can draw and design it based on her mood.

Alexis said...

you should paint it white, and get like cute flower stencils! but leave the Amanda part, hahahaha!!! good memories!! ;)

Amanda Hansen said...

branded forever. its mine dont chaya know!

Clark Family said...

I would paint it a neutral color that matches her room and then do polka dots with accent colors

Ashley Bean said...

I like the chalkboard paint idea! That would be fun!!

Steffani said...

I say paint it lime green or bright pink and distress it!

Letters-2-Lily said...

Paint it to match the room and get some vinal(cant spell!) lettering to put on it!