Monday, February 1, 2010

Project 28

Alright, folks I am kinda bored of the same old, same old blog posts about only the "big things" that go on in our lives so I have decided to take on a challenge. It's called Project 28. It's an idea I got from Studio 5. It's a concept about capturing the true, day-to-day moments of our life by taking a single picture every day for a month.  This concept could also be taken farther and become Project 365 for everyday of the year or Project 52 for once every week. I got wise and chose to do it for a month and got even wiser when I chose the shortest month of the year! I am hoping to capture real everyday "little things" that make up our life. Not that our lives are extremely interesting or too entertaining, (and this could turn into a huge bore-fest on my blog for the next month) but I have decided I would rather risk having a few lame picture in hopes that maybe I could capture some pretty great ones also. Now if only I had photography skills...

Here is a picture to start us off. My sister Amanda came to stay with us for the weekend and Kylie finally talked her into playing the Lady Bug Game with her today. We love the Lady Bug Game at our house and it was fun to play it with her.


Jamie said...

What a great idea!

The Estes Family said...

What a fun idea and Amanda you are such a good aunt!!!

leslie said...

cool. it's kind of like that 'happiness project' that is going around. can't wait to see what's next:)

Kristi said...

Thats a wonderful Idea!! I think I may join you!!

Karlie said...

Cute love it!