Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dad's In Charge

Today I spent the afternoon in Cedar with my mother-in-law, sister-in-laws and niece having a little "baby shower" for one of my sister-in-laws Olivia. Really we just tied a cute quilt for her and went to dinner. Pretty low key, but really fun. On my way out the door I yell to Jeremy, "You're in charge of getting the picture for today. Take a picture of something that happens today" And this is what he got.

He built a bookshelf  today to put next to our computer desk and Kylie pitched in to help put it together. She loves to dust (which  makes me wonder if she is slightly crazy because that is one of my very least favorite things to do) and took it upon herself to make sure those black shelves were shinin'. I just hope she is more then willing to do that about once a week because around here dust is an inch think in a matter minutes especially on black furniture.


Alexis said...

hahaha!! funny!! :)

Jamie said...

I think Kylie needs to come stay with me - I haven't plenty of dusting - she'd have a great time.

The Estes Family said...

She would have a ton of fun at my house too!!!